Every child is different, every mother parents differently. That’s what makes this world interesting, because we’re not all the same. Breastfeeding has proven itself an intensely polarising issue. We’ve witnessed the Breast is Best rhetoric versus Fed is Best in the battle between breast-milk and formula. The #normalisation of breastfeeding has garnered itself a hashtag as women fight for the right to de-sexualise and de-stigmatise feeding their children in public. Most recently, celebrities like Pink and Kourtney Kardashian have brought breast pumps to the table, as they and other famous mothers highlight the reality of balancing motherhood with work. But that's just it, isn't it? Breastmilk, formula, SAHM, working mum, pumping, not pumping, famous, not famous... we're all mothers.
We are a motherhood, a sisterhood, a community who can lean on and learn from one another. Every woman who chose to share her story in this feature is an inspiration to me. Tandem-feeding, pains, infections, tongue tie, C-section, conflicting advice, breast pumps; just some of the hurdles my fellow mothers have navigated in their breastfeeding journeys.
We are members of The Lactivist Movement. We wear our badges of honour proudly and you can too by supporting @mamas_milk_collection kickstarter campaign. Get involved here.