Trick or Treat

Being a Mum of three hands you your fair share of tricks and treats, not least on All Hallows Eve, otherwise known as my favourite day of the year. Let me take you back to Halloween 2017 and my first experience of trick or treating with three!


Halloween as a newly minted mum of 3 started out with an eerie photoshoot at the local graveyard. No I’m not a weirdo, just stick with me, I like photographing outside the box and my kids had a ball. Luckily Raphy’s still at the ‘sleeping all the time’ age so easy to photograph. The same can’t be said of trick or treating that same evening.


Accompanied by Super Cat, Batboy and Lil Miss Kitty, we did the rounds of our usual Halloween haunt and then decided to meet up with some friends a couple of suburbs over. Apparently some streets have a set time for lollies and scares (what?) I guess so they don’t run out of candy… and we were kind of, really early. What, I have kids!


As luck would have it, one of Denny’s school friends lives on that same street so we invited ourselves in there to wait and snack on their Halloween cheese platter! Come 6 o’clock out we went, and oh shit, I can only describe it as resembling Kings Cross station in rush hour! It was mobbed. We inserted ourselves (not very easily) into the throng of zombies, blood-stained school girls, witches and other assorted characters and started to shuffle along down the street.


Now, this scenario may already sound Nightmare on Elm Street to many of you but picture this if you will. Me, a newborn strapped to my chest who decides that now is the perfect time to start writhing and screaming for milk and a 2.5yo who is point blank refusing to hold my hand. Lost Denny a few houses ago but I’m pretty sure she’s with a friend and her Mum.


Okay, I give in. Thank the freaking lord for friends who live on the street and let you use their house to nurse and not lose your kids! Oh and then throw the best Halloween party you’ve been to since university!

Here’s hoping Halloween 2018 will bring all the treats, though with my estranged parents (from each other, not me) to throw into the mix there may be some tricky moments along the way!


Happy Halloween!



What will your littles be dressing up as this Halloween? Do you take them trick or treating? Tell me at