Pitfalls of potty training...
potty training

There’s a curiosity that comes with being a kid, particularly around bodies. Specifically, naked bodies. Private parts no less prove amazingly fascinating to children… so I guess I should have expected that when we began potty training our son, the shit may (literally or not) hit the fan. Well, nothing could have prepared me for what you’re about to read…

Picture (if you dare) the scene in my bedroom this morning. My half naked 3yo son, lying on my bed watching me fold laundry with his 6.5mo sister, who by the way has reached the fabulous milestone I like to call Baby Shark. (No, not that aggravatingly catchy tune doing the internet rounds; I’m talking about the tendency of the babble-happy mob to taste test everything in sight.)

I make the mistake of turning to hang one of the husband’s shirts in the wardrobe, followed by the even greater mistake of turning back to see the very last thing I would ever want to see… in her mouth.

Yes, that happened. And there’s an image that’ll be burned on my brain forever.

What’s the craziest thing you ever found in your baby’s mouth? Tell me at hadassah@threelittlehines.com.